Hank Heijink

Hank Heijink


Hank Heijink (pronounced Hey-ink) was born and raised in The Netherlands, where he started playing guitar at age 6. He gravitated to classical guitar and got a performance degree from the Brabant Conservatory. Along the way, he also played oboe, drums, and percussion. It was the drums that first got him hooked on funk, but his focus stayed on classical music. After his guitar studies, he switched to lute and studied at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Since then, Hank has played all over the world with leading ensembles such as the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, European Union Baroque Orchestra, TENET Vocal Artists, the Mark Morris Dance Group and the Wooster Group, among others. Eventually, Hank started missing playing funk, and since he usually played bass lines on lute, he figured bass guitar would be a logical choice. He hasn’t looked back. Hank still performs on lute and theorbo, and enjoys bringing the bass lines of amazing musicians from 17th Century’s Claudio Monteverdi to Motown’s James Jamerson and beyond to life.

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