Phillip Nestor Bio

Drummer and Band Manager


Philip Nestor grew up in New York City in the boro of Queens. He started piano lessons at 9 and studied for three years . At thirteen in 1966 he got a snare drum and hi hat from money he saved up from a summer job. At eighteen he started lessons  and was playing with friends in different bands. He continues with different drum teachers since there's always more to learn. In 1977 he started working 6 nights a week in clubs in Brooklyn, the Bronx and also working for different wedding agencies primarily Steven Scott. He did some off Broadway shows in Manhattan in the early 1980's. The show Oh Baby and Species at Theater for the New City. He later did some touring with the children's theater company The GingerBread Players.   In the summer of 1986 he played with the band at the Pine Springs hotel in Freehold NY playing shows and dance music, in 1987 he played at Villa Vosilla in Hunter Mountain.

In late 1987 he became the drummer for Shirley Austin Revees the former lead singer for the well know 60's girl group the Shirelles. In May of 1988 he became the show drummer for the Nevele Hotel playing shows six nights a weeks. This lasted for nine years. This included reading shows for many different singers , comedians, magicians, etc. Some of the better know singers he did shows for were Ben E King, Little Anthony, Larry Chance ,Eddie Fischer, Tony Martin, and Shirley Austin Revees. In the summer of 1995 he was hired as the show drummer for the Cunard Cruise ship the Royal Viking Sun. He did that also in the summer of 1997 and winter of 2001. In between this contracts he subbed at other hotels and played with various local bands.  In 2003 he was hired as the show drummer for the Raleigh Hotel in Sullivan county and stayed there until it closed in 2006. Since 2006 he has played with various local groups and joined Soul City when it started around 2011. This group plays Motown, Soul R&B , Disco and Funk music. He is also playing with Alana Wyld and her group Wyld Blu doing Blues, rock, country and rockabilly. He also looks to play  with other good musicians and even though he has his personal taste of different styles of music he always wants any music and musicians he plays with to be played well and to have fun doing it.

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